Each of us posses dreams and visions for an idealized future. Dreams and visions that can include a certain career, a relationship, a destination, a state of wealth, or a victory that we hunger for. While we may be able to visualize ourselves in that better situation, the distance from here to there can be more frustrating than the process itself. This is where the saying "WIN TODAY" comes into play.
We all know someone that could talk about a big vision they would like to achieve, however time has gone by and they are another day further from their dream. In my life I've had the opportunity to listen to a variety of dreams that eager people aspire to, ranging from making an entrepreneurial splash in the clothing industry to being the first person in their family to get a college degree. Even more, You and I have met countless Uncle Rico's who talk about the dreams that could have been if the circumstances would have been different...I'm not going to understate the unfortunate happenings where we are truly faultless, yet there are those other happenings that have not, nor will not happen until we take responsiblity for the precious gift of today. The six inches in front of our face can be the most intimidating of opposition, because it is where ideas meet reality.
Winning today is about changing our mindset from "I need to get that done" to "I took a step today towards that!" Or, "If only this could happen," to "I'll control what I can control today."
I once heard a man say, "What you are today is exactly what you will be tomorrow." If I want to be a loving father tomorrow, I had better humble myself to be a loving father today. An even more simple scenario, if I don't want tomorrow's commute to be frustrated and delayed by having to put the trash cans out, I'll take the pain and put them out the night before, instead of making it "tomorrow guy's" problem.
I want to encourage us all to dare to dream, but don't forget that realizing our future dreams only comes through our humble diligence to the everyday opportunities six inches in front of our face.