In life, how many times do we ignore this fact that a penny is still money? There are countless times that we have all walked over pennies throughout our day because our mindset has been dilluted by convenience. The value of the penny is much greater than 1 cent! There is a priceless principle to be found in the penny. I call it the penny principle.
Every dollar is fundamentally built by the stacking of 100 pennies. Every $100 is fundamentally the stacking of 1000 pennies. Take away the penny and you take away the fundamental starting point of the entire US Dollar financial system! The same goes with the littlest details of a business venture or relationship endeavor. Every realized business or relationship success that we read about was built upon a proverbial penny.
For example, the finalization of a lucrative sales contract can be traced back to that first marketing call or contact that most likely was a part of a series of faithful marketing attempts to countless other client targets. More over, it may have been a contact that came from the "one last call" of the day after the sales associate experienced a full day of frustration. Yet, because making that one more call is a penny in the entire system of realizing and maturing an account, it cannot be over-looked.
The ego loves the external validation of success. Who doesn't. But the true measure of a champ is whether or not they will pick up pennies while others refused to be inconvenienced and step over it. Pick the penny up and you can know that at the very least you are one cent closer than the other pedestrians to realizing that dollar. This is why success is rare and the club "average" is full of members.
Win today!
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