Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Commitment - Daring to be great

Dipping your toe in the water can only provide a brief insight to the temperature of an experience.  Only when we jump into the fullness of a commitment can we experience the greatness that we see others enjoy and that we hope to capture for ourselves. This simple observation can be applied to our career path, relationships, and any other positive endeavors that we dream of one day achieving. Are you looking for a career or just a job.  A career requires an arduously attained and repeatedly demonstrated skill set worthy of recruitment. A job brings home a check, but lacks the engagement of your heart-filled commitment. Love requires an all-in attitude, while companionship serves the moment until the temperature changes.

I recently came across this video that helps us catch a visual of the comprehensive spectrum of living that can only come from risking a committed attitude.

Win Today!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time crunch. Deciding what's vital and what can wait.

In this age of instant communication overload, our lives are bogged down more than ever with time demands. It seems like everyone has learned just how to make their requirement convincing enough to necessitate your time. The house is burning entreaties of "If we don't act now, we will lose out!" has certainly taken its toll on modern society. As you maximize the 24 hours of the day by working longer to check off that next to do, the smell of defeat lingers all the more with every email, text message, phone call, and snail mail solicitation crying out for there to be 25 hours in the day. Ironically, we can easily slip away into irrelevance through activity if we don't step back and decide what is vital in our life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Change your life with a good decision.

It has been said that our lives are a culmination of our decisions. Bad or good. Wise or foolish. We all have experienced both ends of the spectrum at some time in our life. Each day we wake up we are given a unique right, which is the power to choose. And while circumstances and environments are influential in regards to what we choose, it never takes the ownership of this special right.

Now that we are in the month of August, some schools are already back in session and the fun of summer is beginning to fade. It is a reminder to us all that the seasons keep coming and going as the world keeps on spinning like it always has. The challenge for us all is whether or not we will apply this incredible power of decision making in such a way that we will become more of what we want to be a year from now.