Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A success story that all began with a little ambition

I just finished reading the success story of Trisha Waldon, a retired millionaire who started her own business when she was 28.  The kicker is that Trisha was a single mother of two, barely surviving on food stamps in the Black Hills of South Dakota (not exactly the opportunity capital of the world).  Her full story can be found here. Trisha claims that her ah ha moment came when she over-heard a teacher at her daughter's school say "You can create your own life." She goes on to say, “I knew I had to take responsibility for my own life. I had been running it according to others and things hadn’t worked out very well.” 

The value of a moment couldn't be more poignantly captured than by this story.  Her reality was dim at best, yet she found that spark of ambition in herself to believe that she was worth not giving up on. The story is inspirational and practical, since the magic fairy godmother didn't wave a wand over her life to put her where she is today.  Trisha achieved through trial and error, but never retreated to her previous place in life. She grew with each moment and over-time began to learn how to properly harness the power of an ambitious spark.  In Trisha's own words she reminds us that it is a day by day process of hard work, but the ambition kept her in a growth mindset, “Getting there was incredibly challenging, I learned by trial and error, I cried a lot..." I am reminded that we all need to believe a little more that we actually can achieve what we know we are worth. It just won't be easy that's all. And that's the starting point of every great success story. 

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

A little ambition can grow a giant dream

A baby pygmy hippo who will eventually grow to weigh 400-500 lbs
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain

Ambition is a word that can often be misunderstood by those who quote it, and or, by those that hear it being quoted. It's often an attribute assigned to the captivated person who is single minded in a pursuit. Moreover, it can also be a shield of excuse for those that do not know how to wield it correctly, thus mistakenly claiming ambition as the cover for ill-spirited actions. The world is littered by the collateral damage of ambition gone astray. Yet in it it all, ambition is the fuel for realizing an upstream located vision, despite the current down stream reality.  The question is how well do we understand the fundamentals of this powerful tool?