"One of the most
difficult things everyone has to learn is
that for your entire life you must keep
fighting and adjusting if you hope to
survive. No matter who you are or what your
position is you must keep fighting for
whatever it is you desire to achieve.” -
George Allen
I've often heard it said that in order to achieve we must first get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I firmly agree, and have concluded for myself, that the first step in finding this comfort zone is to first agree that life doesn't have an arrival point. There will never be day on this earth when you will wake up to the crowning announcement "You arrived...now sit back and relax." You can win the lottery, marry the person of your dreams, and even win a Super Bowl, but still, you will wake-up the next day to new challenges that will call you out to keep growing.
The legendary football coach George Allen points out that the struggle hasn't singled us out for misery. On the contrary, once we can make peace with this uncomfortable truth of life, we can then adapt and avoid the get rich quick mentality that the generations of renown never tolerated.
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